Hey, No internet connection for a while!! >_<
Dear all visitors and honoured, loyal readers and followers of my humble... and insignificant blog (hahahaha),
It is with great regret that I inform you that I wont be doing much posting for a month or so starting from today as my internet connection has been cut off due to my moving house process. It seems that my new area hasnt got a phone cable up yet so its a really pissy off thing that really got me frustrated. Telekom had better get things started or I'll picket in their HQ!!
So, right now, I'm in this dingy little cybercafe somewhere in Taman Mayang, near where the old LUCT campus is (for those of you who dont know what LUCT is, dont worry, you're not losing out on any important info ^_^)
I've officially moved into my new place!!! Its really great! Though its not a good idea to post my new address here, those of you interested to know WTF (vulgarity :-b) I stay, pls do drop me a line and I'll be glad to point out to you ^_^ Oh, please note to my new email addy - phil.welcometomylife@gmail.com
Well then, until next time... ciao!
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