Bought a cool watch...
Well, I went back on my word about staying indoors till this haze crisis is over, but today seem to be slightly better compared to the last two days. So, i decided to go and hang out at KLCC and 1 Utama.
Well, the haze cleared a bit in my area but definitely not in KL. The haze is still quite bad so I did not venture out to the KLCC park but stayed indoors. I decided to catch a movie so watched Herbie Fully Loaded starring Lindsay Lohan. Well, what can I say about the movie except that it was a really fun! Herbie is just as funny as the old version, he hasn't changed a bit despite having a really totally makeover. Nothing has changed for this little diminutive love bug! ^_^
As for Lohan, can she look any better?? Seriously, despite her drastic weight loss, she is still far from looking reed-thin a la Calista Flockhart. I'm banking on her star to shine ever brighter and maybe an Oscar award for her in the next five years, that is if she makes the transition from feel-good movies to grittier and dramatic stuff like what Scarlett Johansson is doing now. One thing's for sure, Lohan is destined for greater works and she's only 20!!
Right after the movie, I headed back towards P.J. to I Utama to look for some cool things that I can write about for the Faces magazine. It's on what writers of the magazine buys each month. Mainly its on personal items like apparels, bags, watches and whatnots. Something that is cool or maybe just special to the writers. I saw some really cool stuff actually, 1 Utama has loads of them.
At a shop called 3Point6, I saw this funny T-shirt that graphically describe how to break up with your girlfriend. If I ever wear that, I can guarantee that I won't get myself a girlfriend ever... or any female friends for that matter! Cool as it maybe... it's certainly off the list. Then, I dropped by at this nifty little gift shop called Folio Designer Edition. A lot of really nice things there but what caught my eye was the timepieces that they have on display. One blue watch definitely caught my attention simply because I like its colour and it's simplicity. Most digital watches nowadays have so many buttons that its so confusing to operate them. All I want is a watch that tells me the time and I'm happy. I can't remember what the model of the watch is but I think its from O.D.M - which stood for Original, Dynamic and Minimal. I certainly recommend this watch. The watch that I bought is quite affordable too. It's retailed at RM79.90 but thanks to the Mega Sale, it's cut down to RM53.95. Here's a pic of the watch!

Well, thats all for today... till tomorrow then. Ciao!
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