Oh Gosh!! This is horrible... I could barely see anything!! 0_0

Just take a look at the pictures above. The top one is taken from my bedroom window this morning, and you can see that the haze is actually worse than yesterday... The 2nd pic is a view of the Subang highway (not sure what it's actual name is but I know it as the highway to Subang Jaya and Shah Alam. ^_^) from my balcony at noon. The constrcution work in front of my block have stopped its work since Monday due to the terrible haze condition. A little peaceful but the acrid smell of the haze is still horrible.
The air quality shows no sign of improvement. I've breathing in lungs full of smelly, dirty air even in the comforts of my own bedroom, living room and heck, I can smell it even when I'm in the shower. The haze is so strong that it's actually invading our homes!! This has to be the worst haze attack ever, and its no thanks to those darn Indonesians over at Sumatra. The perpetrators of the fires there had to be one of the most insensitive, ignorant and thickest-skinned people I've ever known! The authorities better do something about it and not let it get out of hand! No amount of apologies is gonna help if you sit around and do nothing! It's time to be pro-active and take control of the situation!
Meanwhile, on the homefront, I agree with The Star's Wong Sulong's comments here (http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2005/8/10/focus/11727578&sec=focus)with regards to the haze situation. Like his friends, I too, sorely missed the sun's bright shining rays and the blue skies with its snowy, puffy clouds and the gentle breeze of fresh air. The haze really puts a damper to our spirits and I think people are feeling lethargic and depressed because of it.
Nevertheless, its really true that Malaysia should start doing something about the haze situation even if it isn't our fault that the haze ocurred. This haze will have a huge negative impact on our economy if nothing is done to address the situation. Ships and planes would be forced to be grounded due to poor visibility, resulting in delayed and cancelled flights which will result in thousands of disgruntled tourists and passengers which will in one way or another affect our tourism industry. This is very bad press indeed. Quick perogative action is needed to reverse the effects of this haze.
In the end, it all boils down to each of us as Malaysians to take the initiative to start protecting our environment. This haze could have been avoided if we paid more attention keeping our environment clean and healthy. Activities such as smoking, open burning and hazardous smoke from factories must be put to a stop. If we continue to let this haze occur in the future, all of us may have no choice but be forced to lug oxygen tanks whereever we go. One thing's for sure, I'm gonna start doing my part for a better, healthier air in the future for our future generation.
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