Saturday, November 26, 2005

I'll be honest 'bout it...

My first NaNoWriMo is a sad, sad failure... I just ran out of words... barely reaching 10,000! I guess I really didn't prepare myself as much as I thought I did. Well, there's always next year. And next year, I think its best that I not take the fantasy route... easy as it may seem but a lot of it is really down to sheer creativity. Though my fellow compatriots tell me to say "ah heck with the logic and sense... go with the flow!" it's really hard not to be confined within the realms of logic. I should really try not to think what others felt about my story should anyone actually bothered to read it. I'm definitely not JK Rowling or David Eddings. Heck, it took Rowling almost 6 years to come out with the 1st Harry Potter book!

Still, NaNoWriMo was a good experience to test out my ability to write free hand and free style. I definitely need to brush up on my skills and to continue to read and write. Though I failed to make it to the 50,000 word target, I still think I'll keep trying to finish this fantasy novel of mine. Its rather foolish to just discard something which I had started.

Looking forwards to the next one with bated breath!




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