Saturday, June 24, 2006

My First Video here: A Clip from L'Or des Anges

Duo des Chats

I present to you a clip of a touching daydream scene from the exceptional 1998 French documentary film L'Or des Anges.

The two boys are actual boy choristers from Les Petits Chanteurs a la Croix de Bois.

It's weird, I know and some people might be uncomfortable by it because of the boys' expressive and intimate (in a playful way) but it's what we always hope and should expect from our kids - that they develop strong, loving, long-lasting relationships with their friends without the fear of being typecast or branded as 'freaks' by society.

If we really want a world of love, peace and harmony for our future generations, we should start by teaching them to love all people without any stigmatising and prejudice involved. The notion that boys should be macho and bottle up their feelings is one that is seriously flawed and should be challenged to the max. It doesn't mean that they'll end up as sissies and girly and effeminate just because boys expressed their feelings like the two 'cat boys' shown in the clip above.

This clip has made me want to locate this French film. Trust the French to make a documentary/film like this since that country has always been associated with 'love' 'relationships' and 'passion' for a long, long time.

AdSense Up!

Well, I did say that I want to move over to my new blog, but I decided that since cannot support Google AdSense, I might as well revive this blog as well as maintain my WP one. Only that this one will be more for posting videos and podcasts, videos mainly. So yes, this will be a vlog from now on.

Mostly what I'll do is I put up the link at my WP blog and link it here so that people can see the video here. And they're encouraged to click on the ads on top of my blog so that I get paid! :D Heh..., thank you Google! Though I may have to wait for quite a while to get my checks :D.

Have fun to this new look vlog!