Monday, November 28, 2005

The New Harry Potter Movie: Should I be glad or should I despair?

That was the question I asked myself as I watched the recently released Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I guess to answer the above question, I will have to put myself in the shoes of a manic fan of the book and that of a film critic who adores the film series.

As the former, I would most likely be asking for British director Mike Newell's head for the audacity to cut out Winky the House Elf, Ludo Bagman, Rita Skeeter being unveiled as an Animagus and Hermione's S.P.E.W are all shown the bin. I don't mind him taking out the Dursleys because everytime those idiot Muggles are onscreen, I just have this feeling of smashing the cinema (or TV) screen. They really get to you, those bloody Muggles!

However, thankfully, I tend to lean to the other side of the fence - the film critic who adores the film series, even though I read every single HP book five times already. There's so much to love about the movie - the texture, the pacing, the art, the new actors and characters and the drama and the tension of knowing what's to come are all packaged nicely into 2 and 1/2 hours of cinematic feast.

Travelling via the Portkey looked just as how I imagined, and the Barty Crouch Jr is really excellent! David Tennent fits the bill as the loyal, escaped Death Eater. How he flicks his tongue like a snake was really cool. Brendan Gleeson fared well as Moody and I can't wait to see him again in the fifth part when he plays the good version of Moody. And Miranda Richardson exudes poison and busy-bodiness and embodies the role of Rita Skeeter down to a pat. It was an excellent performance all round by everyone. And how can i forget Ralph Fiennes??? HE'S BLOODY BRILLIANT as Voldemort- to lend a phrase from Ron Weasley.

Harry's certainly maturing really fine. I just can't see anyone else as Harry Potter. Even though he's 16 already and he might not finish film 6 and 7, Daniel Radcliffe was born to play this consummate hero. What else can I say that has not already been said in the press and all the reviews? This movie is certainly a great one but yet, I liked Alfonso Cuaron's Prisoner of Azkaban was much more because it was more stylishly dark and managed to capture the changes thats beginning in the three kids.

No matter, each film has proven to be much better than its predecessor and Goblet of Fire is rightly so. Can't wait to see what David Yates will be serving up for us Pottermaniacs in the Order of Phoenix. Who will play Dolores Umbridge? Will Kreacher be shown?? How does Sirius Black's house look like? Will David Thewlis (god, how I like him as Lupin!) return?? And Luna Lovegood - will she be cut out? And the Thestrals - I am going to enjoy 'seeing' that! Of course, there's Tonks, there's Shacklebolt, Mundungus Fletcher and Ms Figg. Will we get to see Neville's parents in St. Mungo's? How will St. Mungo's look like on film? And the showdown at the Ministry. That's going to be so action packed!

Man, I'm beside myself just waiting for it. Until it's released in 2007, I guess it's back to the books for the sixth time and the movies for the third time! FYI, I've seen Goblet of Fire only twice so far. ^_^ And not to forget all those delicious gossips and rumours over at to keep the fans happy. All power to Harry Potter!

Til then, ta!

Saturday, November 26, 2005

I'll be honest 'bout it...

My first NaNoWriMo is a sad, sad failure... I just ran out of words... barely reaching 10,000! I guess I really didn't prepare myself as much as I thought I did. Well, there's always next year. And next year, I think its best that I not take the fantasy route... easy as it may seem but a lot of it is really down to sheer creativity. Though my fellow compatriots tell me to say "ah heck with the logic and sense... go with the flow!" it's really hard not to be confined within the realms of logic. I should really try not to think what others felt about my story should anyone actually bothered to read it. I'm definitely not JK Rowling or David Eddings. Heck, it took Rowling almost 6 years to come out with the 1st Harry Potter book!

Still, NaNoWriMo was a good experience to test out my ability to write free hand and free style. I definitely need to brush up on my skills and to continue to read and write. Though I failed to make it to the 50,000 word target, I still think I'll keep trying to finish this fantasy novel of mine. Its rather foolish to just discard something which I had started.

Looking forwards to the next one with bated breath!



Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Day Two: Totally Brain Busting!!

Hello, folks! Here's an update on my progress... its been a totally brain-busting, nerve wrecking experience trying to coax out the words from my suddenly infertile mind!
For the whole day, I've only manged an exact 280 words - according to my MS Word count - equivalent to 4 paras. Not very productive considering that I could usually finish off a 2,000 word assignment for my editor in just a day! How hard I realise now writing fiction can be compared to writing facts and non-fiction! Ideas flow in and out of my mind but rarely could I piece them together and form a coherent and cohesive piece of narrative.
Still, I'm quite glad with what I managed to come out with with my 280 words. I hope things can develop from there but for the next few days, I don't see how I can add on to what I've wrote considering that my sis and her family are dropping by for a 3 day 2 nites visit for the holiday. There goes three wasted days of productivity!
Meanwhile... here's what I have so far for my NaNoWriMo novel. Don't you dare rip off!!:

The night was calm and serene. All around the forest was quiet, its inhabitants blissfully asleep, undisturbed by the solitary figure striding through the night forest. Clad in a dark green cloak, the figure blends into the surrounding environment. The night was unusually still, the stranger felt it strongly in his heart.

He looked to the cloudless night sky. The bright silver moon illuminated all in its path. The stranger hurried forth towards his destination, with the silver moonlight seemingly guiding him. He was careful to keep an eye out for anything that might suddenly burst forth from the dark shadows of the trees, his hand never leaving his sword’s handle.

Soon, he slowed down as he came to a small pond. The moonlight, as if by some unseen force, began to concentrate its focus on the pond. The stranger stopped, wary of any unseen adversary but at the same time, sensed a quiet peace that surpasses understanding enveloping his entire being. He looked across the small pond, the gentle ripples of the surface glinted like diamonds under the moonlight.

So, this is the famed Oracle, thought the stranger. He knew he would be in no danger here when he’s under the watchful eye of Ellos. The stranger stepped slowly forwards, drawn to the banks of the clearly magical oracle. He knew what the Oracle was meant to do. But dare he look into it? Was he really ready like his father had said – ready for his destiny. A destiny that the Oracle was meant to show him. As he stood there by the bank, his mind wandered to the day when he came of age not too long ago…
Well, there you have it - my 1st four glorious paragraphs of my first novel! LOL! Hope I'll be able to continue from here... not about to change anything cos that'll be too time consuming.
Til tomorrow then... if there's any further development to the above... ^_^
Ja Ne!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

And so it begins...

The NaNoWriMo Writing Challenge has begun!!

This month, from today onwards, I'll be posting my progress here and of course, my silly rants and gripes about the madness of writing a 50,000 word novel in just 30 days! So, if you're interested in my progress and just curious as to whats happening to me and whether I'll end up bonkers, do keep an eye on this page at the end of the day ;-)

Without wasting anytime now, its into the novel I go!

Oh, and before I forget... my festive wishes (Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf zahir batin and Happy Deepavali) to all my friends and all my readers/visitors out there who are celebrating these two joyous festivals above! Have loads of fun and don't forget to watch how yo drive as you travel back to your hometown and back!

Ja Ne!